Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jordan School District

Thier (wonderful) Elementary Math website is K-6.  They have links to mathematical practice posters, vocabulary for your word wall, an excellent teacher resource library and homework hlp for kids that links them straight to Learn Zillion for a video of the concept with which they may be struggling. 


Sunday, April 21, 2013


Sidetracked at School

Another Blog?

Yeah, yeah.  I can't even keep up with the first one.  I guess that's the beauty of getting sidetracked.  Other things sometimes take priority.  Sometimes it's out of need, sometimes desire. 

I thought I would use this as a place to share the resources I find related to the Common Core State Standards for 6th grade, as well as resources for other subjects I teach.  Since I teach mostly math, I will plan to begin by starting here. 

We'll see how this works....

The first resource I want to share is http://ccssmath.org/ 

This is their mission:
Why are we doing all of this?
This site is a “labor of love” dedicated to those serving in education. I believe that the most valuable asset this country has is the minds of its people. I believe that different people learn in very different ways and need the ability to choose from the things that best fit their needs. I believe that different teachers teach in very different ways and should be afforded the ability to choose from great teaching resources to meet the needs of their students.
There is so much that has been created by so many and it is out there free to the public via the internet. However, it remains difficult to sift through it all to find the best things for our children to use. This site will hopefully allow teachers to spend more time teaching and give kids more of an opportunity to learn both at school and at home.
This site is a place where anyone can go to find free resources on the things they are teaching or learning in class. This site will remain free to the public. You won’t need a username or a password. Most of us have too many of those already, right?

Pretty cool huh?  They have a ton of resources! 

And, I can't say enough about Learn Zillion.
www.LearnZillion.com( http://learnzillion.com/ ) It's aligned to CCSS and it's free.  There are great videos, that I know I'll be using for sure next year.